There are websites provided temporary phone number online and these numbers are good choice to keep your privacy, big help to hide your personal number while you communicate with strangers. There are several situations where you want to use a disposable phone number instead of your original phone number. You can have this disposable mobile number for responding to a Craigslist advertisement, Business Conferences, Sensitive Business Transactions, dating…. the possibilities are infinite. When you want to keep your personal number secret for a while, iPhone users have a lot of iOS Apps that can Hide your Real Phone Number when you Make Calls & SMS. There is a workaround to change your display number or use a virtual number. Just in case, if you do not want to use your phone to make phone calls, you can use your computer to make anonymous calls without revealing your phone number.
iNumber is an online based second phone number provider. With this temporary online phone number, you can get a powerful solution that empowers your phone for business or personal use. Manage inbound callers with simple call settings that route your calls as they come in, or you can use live prompts to route calls as they arrive. Individual users can easily protect their number with a variety of call privacy options.
Website Link: iNumber
Those who have iPhone, this is one of the best second phone number apps from iTunes. With this disposable number app, you can give out Burner numbers, and make and get voice calls and SMS texts, just like any other phone number. Keep them for a month, or longer. Burn them when you’re done.
Perfect for dating, job searches, short-term projects, craigslist transactions, Twitter, Tumblr, and other social media, and for whenever else you want to be in touch and want to keep it on a private line, or don’t want to give out your real number. App Link: iOS App
With this online phone tool, you can get a free disposable link for your phone number. Post it to Facebook, Twitter, forums, dating sites, anywhere you want.
When the link is clicked, will connect your call. Your number always remains private. If you don’t want to talk, then you can reject the call. You can keep the link as long as you want. When you have done with the link, you can revoke it. This free temporary phone number is a good choice while you dealing with an unknown person or calling back to a nonfamiliar number. The best solution to call to an unknown person, you can use a disposable phone number for a short time to make calls. You can refer here if you want to make an anonymous call from the website tools. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email.